Saksara Events
Future Careers: Preparing for Sustainability, Industry 5.0 and beyond
In this seminar, we will provide broad insights into what careers and industries students can expect to dominate during their working life. This will provide a great foundation for students to make more informed choices about upcoming future-oriented university studies that will prepare them for the reality of future work and entrepreneurship.
About the Presenter:
Shaun Wellbourne-Wood was the founder of Saksara. He has been based in Indonesia for almost 10 years leading education and public health research projects in partnership with the Australian Government and the higher education sector. Shaun has been researching technology and education-related issues for more than 20 years, which was the topic of his PhD research in Botswana, Africa.
For more information, contact Arlina
Saksara Education Seminar: 10 Important Emerging Future Careers [WEBINAR]
In this seminar, we will provide broad insights into what careers and industries students can expect to dominate during their working life. We will focus on what careers and business opportunities will be in most demand during 2030-2050. This seminar is based on extensive research into the work of futurists, technologists and future workforce studies. This seminar will provide a great foundation for students to make more informed choices about university studies.
Places are limited AUD$10.00 (PER FAMILY)
For More Information, contact Arlina
EdTech 2020 - Opportunities, Issues and Challenges [Online]
The goal of this symposium is to gather a community of academics, technologists, education administrators, and researchers to discuss and learn about the issues and challenges that have confronted Australia and Indonesia as we all responded to the global pandemic with educational technology solutions.